Shkola Ultimate 3D
Shkola Ultimate 3D is a website for Russian users of Ultimate 3D. It has a Russian forum, links to resources, projects and Ultimate 3D related downloads and a complete Russian translation of the documentation of Ultimate 3D 2.1 final. As a Russian user of Ultimate 3D, who does not speak English, you can easily get some help there. The forum is open for questions of any kind.
Russian translation (U3D 2.0 RC)
A team around Tesak has created a complete translation of the official documentation of Ultimate 3D 2.0 RC and many Ultimate 3D related downloads. The translated help file can be downloaded directly from this page, the other translated downloads can be found on Tesak's website about Ultimate 3D. Since I don't speak Russian I could not verify the correctness or completeness of this translation.
Italian translation (U3D 2.1 beta)
civic71 has started translating the documentation of Ultimate 3D to Italian. So far the complete novice part of the documentation is translated. The translation is available as HTML on civic's website.
Spanish translation (U3D 2.1 final)
SonicMX has created a Spanish translation of the novice part of the documentation of Ultimate 3D. If there is interest he will continue by translating the advanced part. The novice part is available as compiled HTML help file (*.chm).